7th Special Operation Squadron / Air Commando Squadron
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To Become a member you must have been assigned or attached to the 7th SOS/ACS. Friends of the 7th SOS/ACS will be accepted on a case by case basis.

CV-22 and MC-130

Welcome to the 7thSOS.org Website!

Our membership is made up of  past and present members of the 7th Air Commando Squadron, detachments thereof, and 7th Special Operations Squadron.  We also accept members as “Friends of the 7th” if you were assigned to a higher echelon of our unit (Wing/Group), assigned on a temporary basis, were collocated with our unit, provided a support function, or just formed a close relationship with the squadron on some exercises.  “Friends of the 7th” will be granted membership on an individual case-by-case basis.

The 7th Special Operations Squadron was activated on 1 July 1964 as the 7th Air Commando Squadron (7 ACS/USAFE) at Sembach Air Base, Germany. The original cadre came from Hurlburt Field, Florida, in March 1964, as Detachment 4, 1st Air Commando Wing. The new squadron was equipped with 4 C-123s, 6 C-47s and 2 U-10 aircraft, and had 265 personnel authorized. In February 1967, the 7 ACS was designated as the unit to receive the new C-130E(I) Combat Arrow aircraft. In May 1967, command of the squadron was transferred from USAFE to 17th Air Force.  In 2013 the 7th transitioned from a mixed fleet of MC-13H and CV-22s to solely the CV-22B Osprey. The Squadron's is still located at RAF Mildenhall, UK and since 2013 has participated in ENDURING FREEDOM, INHERENT RESOLVE, FREEDOM SENTINEL, and OCTAVE QUARTZ.
Cheers. Max

7th SOS / ACS Crest
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